Saturday, August 28, 2010

Journal: July 28-August 2


The days mentioned above have been quiet spiritually since our activities (Bible studies, chapel, and yard devotions) have been curtailed due to shortage of staff. This stops the feeding of the Flock to some extent. It would be sad if this continues, not to mention restrictiveness and discomfort of being locked down so much. Please pray the prison system and state is relieved of its budget problems.

I received a refreshing letter from sister Simone in Germany, reporting on how the Lord is working there. Despite persecution by the Catholic Church, Pastor Goetzen’s church received 30 sign-ups for their summer children’s camp. This is the largest number for them and all because the Lord used the newspaper and persecution to bring this true church to people’s notice. Pray many would come to Christ through this ministry.

Yesterday (Sunday) we were locked down all day and evening. I was able to spend about five hours in the Word preparing a one-page devotion on an aspect of suffering which I shall include in my book. It was on the trial of abandonment and being forsaken. The text was from Psalm 31:11 and I included 13 more Scripture references. It takes a lot of labor to prepare one devotional. First the Lord seems to bring the text to mind as I read. Then, I pray asking Him for insight on its meaning and how to bring out its message. I try to empathize with one who might be going through this type of trial (which is not too difficult since having lost my family, freedom, job, possessions and more). Then I include comfort, Bible illustrations, and encouragement. Hopefully all this will comfort a downtrodden saint and help them place their thoughts and perspective on the Lord and off their circumstances.

Today we were allowed outside and I was able to practice the violin for several hours. The Lord continues to work with me in many areas and I am grateful. By areas I mean: patience and contentment in whatever He allows to happen that day; thankfulness, even for the small trials of disappointment and discouragement; and in being satisfied in Him alone, His presence and fellowship, and not in accomplishing tasks and being busy throughout the day. As the Psalmist said, “And besides You, I desire nothing on earth” (Ps 73:25).

Lord willing, I will be able to preach in three chapels this month. There are several unbelievers the Lord has brought to my acquaintance and I want to share the Gospel with them. Please pray for Hong and his friend, George, and several others.

The Lord has been faithful in every way in my prison trial. Though there have been many hardships, He has always provided and protected. His grace has always been sufficient. He has always been near, real, comforting, patient and most kind. May He be praised!

May the Lord richly bless you, dear friends.

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