Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Journal: July 5, 2010

This was a very blessed day. The Lord opened our doors to the yard and I was able to go to the chapel and practice the violin all day while the Rabbi was meeting with his men. I met with a Christian brother, David S., and we had great fellowship over the Word. We gave thanks to God for how He is using the affliction of prison in both of our lives to help us grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord and to learn lessons we never could have. Later this evening, he gave an excellent devotion on the yard to about 17 hungry believers.

This evening I have prepared a Bible study I shall give tomorrow morning, Lord willing, to several men greatly desirous to learn more about eschatology and our Lord’s return. I am also scheduled to preach tomorrow in chapel. I will preach on 2 Cor. 12:9 and what the condition of the heart must be in order to receive God’s all sufficient grace in trials. I will also have to prepare Thursday’s message for the night chapel which is filled with unbelievers who are searching for truth. I will preach the Gospel and include my own testimony. It is such an honor for me to be able to be used of the Lord. I pray I would be faithful to the task. I was also blessed today with a package fro my faithful and loving brother, Don.

We also, this evening, prayed for some sisters in Christ who are in a Tijuana jail. We are sending them stationary (from Deanna and Charlene) and some stamps. These sisters have far less than we do in our U.S. prison. Please pray for them. The Lord bless you.



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